It’s good for the soul
Folk ballads, sea shanties, comic songs – you just have to join in!

Here’s a download of me recording a song with Bill “Pass the Hat” Taylor on guitar and backing:
And here’s one in my own write, still valid over two years since I first wrote it:
Chuff chuff natter natter
Chuff chuff natter natter
Chuff chuff natter natter
Chuff chuff natter natter
This British train is full to the brim, they’re standing in the aisles
Someone’s locked in the lavatory, I hope they’re getting piles
Very selfishly sitting there, while we suffer for miles and miles
Chuffing on down on the rolling rails to Brexit
Chuff chuff natter natter etc.
“Would the train manager contact the driver” – encouraging as you’ll agree!
“There’s a fault with the carriage door bolt – but it’s not an emergency” (!)
“There’s been an engineering shortfall” – too right, cos I just need a pee
We’re pulling all the chains on the rolling rails to Brexit
Chuff chuff natter natter etc.
Expensive plans for the HS2, fast trains up to the north
Bringing in European business men, just half an hour quicker, that’s all
It’s a sop for fading politicians – HRT for blokes I’m sure
Building costly trains for the rolling rails to Brexit
Chuff chuff natter natter etc.
It was said of Mussolini how he made the trains run on time
I believe he was a European – and the Romans made the roads so fine
But we don’t need other people’s help thank you, we can organise our own decline
Veni, vidi – Oops! – being conquered now by Brexit
Chuff chuff natter natter etc.
In the American West the Indian tribes all feared the Iron Horse
On the rails across the prairie, lots of noise and smoke of course
Well Bury My Scarf at Wounded Knee, cos we’re all on a train that’s lost
Lots of battle cries but weary sighs for Brexit
Chuff chuff natter natter etc.
What do we know about the future, is there anything we’d like to say?
We’ve thrown several people off the train, but we find to our dismay
No leaders left in the driving seat, so all we can do is pray
Sliding out of control on the rolling rails to Brexit
There’s a gap between the platforms, you can’t get off, it’s Brexit
No more referendums, “You want best of three?”, it’s Brexit
Our ship may come in, but the train’s going out to Brexit
How to end this song, it’s being going bloody long, to Brexit
Have we got the point, can I leave this joint for Brexit
I can go on all night, but I’m going to the bar – SCARF EXIT!
All change!
Andy Scarf 10.3.17
And there’s more! Keep singing!